Monday, May 21, 2007

Draycott Gardens, Upperco MD

May 20, 2007-- We missed the garden club tour of Carol Warner's (the Iris Lady) Draycott Gardens, but spent an hour wandering through her various gardens on a hillside in Maryland's hunt country.
Carol said it had not been a good year for iris; January was so warm that they never really were dormant and many had been hurt be a later freeze. Nevertheless there were many, many varieties of iris either in bloom or getting ready to bloom, and rhododendrons, the last of the azaleas, lots of peonies, some lilacs, allium, columbine, bleeding heart, gladiolas, geraniums, and petunias.

Near the barn was a water garden.

[Click on photos for larger views. Photographs are by Bill Dean, unless otherwise noted.]

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