Monday, March 9, 2009

Bella Italia in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, March 6: The 2009 theme of the Philadelphia Flower Show was "Bella Italia." The entrance was Rome which was circled by Venice, San Remo, Milan, Tuscany, Florence and the Lake Region.

In Rome, the forum was re-imagined as the Villa D'Este:

and with opera singers (play video to listen):

Venice featured an actual gondola on a canal:

and the interior of a palazzo:

Milan featured couture: flowery dresses:

Hats and perfume:

And (best of show) the shoes:

Tuscany was sunny:

For Florence, the Duomo was turned into a gazebo:

Astilbe and wisteria bloomed in the Lake District:

San Remo was all palmettos, orchids and topiary bougainvillea:

Even "Italian" South Philly was represented:

Painting with pressed flowers caught our attention:

We liked these water features:

There was a kitchen garden and arbors:

A flower garden and a painted tree:

HORTICULTURE: It's a flower show, so some of the stars are individual plants!

Titan arum and Dasylirion longissimum:

Mammilaria and the orchid Masdevallia copper angel "Highland":

Lots and lots of orchids:

The orchid Dendrobium smilleaia and the Kohleria "Carnival":

Flower arranging and floral design:

Bare bulbs blooming:

Photographer and editor with green wall:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...